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Birds of the Netherlands their song call or sound. 118 species.


Birds of the Netherlands: 118 species with their song or call.
0:00 European Robin
0:26 Blue Tit
0:46 Great Tit
1:04 European Goldfinch
1:25 Eurasian Blackbird
1:51 Common Nightingale
2:18 Song Thrush
2:39 Fieldfare
3:01 Mistle Thrush
3:21 House Sparrow
3:44 Eurasian Tree Sparrow
4:04 Eurasian Wren
4:31 Common Chaffinch
4:54 Brambling
5:05 Blackcap
5:22 Garden Warbler
5:45 Wood Lark
6:08 Tree Pipit
6:32 Meadow Pipit
6:47 Spotted Flycatcher
7:04 Willow Warbler
7:31 Chiffchaff
7:54 Marsh Warbler
8:18 Reed Warbler
8:39 Cetti’s Warbler
8:58 Sedge Warbler
9:16 Reed Bunting
9:40 Common Whitethroat
9:56 Common Redstart
10:17 Common Linnet
10:40 European Stonechat
11:02 Bluethroat
11:25 European Greenfinch
11:44 Eurasian Bullfinch
12:00 Hawfinch
12:13 White Wagtail
12:31 Yellow Wagtail
12:48 Grey Wagtail
13:08 Eurasian Nuthatch
13:28 Shorttoed Treecreeper
13:48 Dunnock
14:08 Grasshopper Warbler
14:26 Savi’s Warbler
14:54 Common Kingfisher
15:14 Great Spotted Woodpecker
15:34 Eurasian Jay
15:54 Eurasian Magpie
16:18 Redbacked Shrike
16:42 Jackdaw
16:57 Carrion Crow
17:12 Common WoodPigeon
17:33 Stock Dove
17:49 Eurasian CollaredDove
18:08 European Starling
18:27 Whitethroated Dipper
18:43 Common Cuckoo
19:04 White Stork
19:27 Grey Heron
19:45 Great Egret
20:14 Little Egret
20:33 Great Bittern
20:49 Eurasian Wigeon
21:08 Mallard
21:21 Common Shelduck
21:43 Gadwall
22:05 Northern Shoveler
22:20 Common Teal
22:36 Garganey
22:52 Common Pochard
22:08 Tufted Duck
23:30 Common Goldeneye
23:44 Common Merganser
24:08 Common Eider
24:31 Great Crested Grebe
24:56 Eared Grebe
25:11 Little Grebe
25:43 Barnacle Goose
26:12 Canada Goose
26:37 Greylag Goose
27:03 Greater Whitefronted Goose
27:24 Brant
27:47 Egyptian Goose
28:19 Eurasian Moorhen
28:38 Eurasian Coot
29:07 Water Rail
29:24 Great Cormorant
29:40 Eurasian Spoonbill
29:56 Tawny Owl
30:12 Longeared Owl
30:34 Little Owl
30:51 Common Kestrel
31:08 Ringnecked Pheasant
31:24 Roseringed Parakeet
31:49 Mute Swan
32:39 Whooper Swan
32:59 Herring Gull
33:11 Lesser Blackbacked Gull
33:35 Great Blackbacked Gull
33:55 Common Gull
34:09 Blackheaded Gull
34:29 Common Tern
34:47 Sandwich Tern
35:07 Pied Avocet
35:28 Northern Lapwing
35:48 Blacktailed Godwit
36:08 Common Redshank
36:33 Eurasian Oystercatcher
37:00 Ruddy Turnstone
37:15 Purple Sandpiper
37:37 Sanderling
37:51 Common Greenshank
38:06 Little Ringed Plover
38:24 Common Sandpiper
38:41 Blackbellied Plover
38:53 European GoldenPlover
39:06 Red Knot
39:24 Bartailed Godwit
39:46 Eurasian Curlew
Many sound recordings by Peter Boesman on Xeno Canto, used with permission. The Little Egret was filmed in Kenya, the European Collared Dove in Spain.

posted by kosanjeyy