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Breaking Free u0026 Releasing Stuck Energy

Soul Alignment Mentor - Angie Harris

Have you ever felt like you're wading through life, bogged down by an unidentifiable heaviness or a persistent feeling of being stuck? Often, we experience this sense of inertia without truly understanding its roots. It's like standing at the edge of a murky pond, observing the debris and moss clinging to the sides, unaware that these elements mirror the clutter within ourselves—our emotions left unattended.

Emotions are the essence of our energy system, much like the water in that pond. When we ignore or suppress them, they stagnate, creating an invisible barrier that obstructs our growth and progress. Picture the stagnant pond, clogged with debris—it's no longer vibrant or clear. Similarly, when we neglect our emotions, our energy system becomes muddled, hindering our ability to move forward freely.

Acknowledging our emotions, no matter how uncomfortable, is the first step toward healing. Much like sitting amidst the debris in the pond to clear it, healing requires us to confront and process our emotions. It's sitting in the discomfort, allowing ourselves to feel, understand, and accept these emotions. Only then can we begin the process of clearing and releasing the stagnation from our energy system.

Join the 7Week Course: www.angieharris.org
Schedule a Private Reading: https://calendly.com/angharris

posted by milician97