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Brief Behavioral Skills: CBT for Anxiety (CBT-A)

Northwest MHTTC

In this Brief Behavioral Skills module Drs. Kari Stevens and Patrick Raue provide an overview of Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety (CBTA). Anxiety is the most treatable and common mental health condition we know of today and treatments are highly effective and wellstudied over many decades. These treatments are also shown to work with complex patients in primary care. However, treating anxiety can require patients to expose themselves to situations that are difficult. This module will walk clinicians through how to approach treatment anxiety in a primary care setting. The learning objectives for this module are to:

Understand the CBT model of anxiety symptoms

Describe how to give the ‘treatment pitch’ to patients, and discuss the difference between treatment with exposure vs. anxiety management strategies

Understand how to develop and work on an exposure hierarchy with patients

Describe anxiety management strategies that use physical and cognitive approaches

Kari Stephens, PhD
Clinical Psychologist with the University of Washington School of Medicine, a UW Associate Professor of Family Medicine; an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education.

Patrick Raue, PhD
Clinical Psychologist at UWMCRoosevelt, Associate Director for the University of Washington EvidenceBased Psychosocial Interventions; Director of the National Network of Problem Solving Treatment Clinicians; Trainers, & Researchers and a UW Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Population Health.


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