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Buat Dinding Motif Batu Tebing Air Terjun Dengan Spon Busa !! Wall waterfall cliff stone motif

Raffa Channel

Cara dan langkah yg mudah membuat motif batu tebing dan air terjun,dg menggunakan tehnik goresan spon busa untuk proses pengecatan,dg menggunakan cat tembok nippon paint jenis elastek,cat air yang ada bahan karetnya,biar gak jamuran dan tidak meresap air,untuk warna dasarnya warna krem,cat Motif Hitam,coklat tua,coklat,hijau lumut,kuning,oranye dan putih,oke bagaimana proses pengerjaanya,silahkan simak videonya sampai selesai biar mudah di pahami,dan semoga bermanfaat,, terima kasih,, selamat menonton.

Easy ways and steps to make cliffs and waterfall motifs, by using a foam sponge scratching technique for the painting process, using elastek nippon wall paint, watercolor with rubber material, so that it won't be moldy and doesn't absorb water, for the basic color beige color, black Motif paint, dark brown, brown, moss green, yellow, orange and white, okay how is the process, please watch the video until it's finished so it's easy to understand, and hopefully useful ,, thank you ,, happy watching.

posted by blondiegrrlxni