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Bus Action of 2021

OC Bus Fan

Before we say farewell to 2021, which was a year that we almost got back to normal, here is one last look at the year that was in transit across SoCal! Here is a compilation of some of my favorite bus clips I took throughout the year, many of which are from videos I already uploaded throughout the year, while I also included some never before seen clips that I didn’t include in some of my bus action videos as well as some clips I took while I was doing food deliveries which also affected how often I was able to film videos and go on transit trips.

In addition, we also said goodbye to several things in 2021, starting with LACMTA’s older NABI 60BRTs (9300s9400s series) and the 2004 NABI 45CLFWs, as well as Foothill Transit’s 2006 NABI 40LFWs which I was lucky able to catch in their final week of operation in late May. In addition, parts of Metro’s NextGen bus plan went into effect during service changes in June, September, and December of 2021 which resulted in many Metro Rapid lines going extinct and merged with their parent routes.

posted by schilderke