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Can Leaves Be Turned Into Paper? DIY Experimental Leaf Paper

Cory Morrison

Hi, my name is Cory and I am an artist who makes environmental and ecological inspired art. In this video I try making paper out of leaves for the first time — a kind of paper making experiment! I've made grass paper before, but leaf pulp ended up being way different. Apart from a few specifics, the process was the same as making grass paper though!

Even though there were a ton of challenges, this was a fun experiment. If you're into art, crafts, paper making, or nature, you might like what came out in the end!

If you have an idea of what I should do with the paper let me know! If not, I'm sure I'll come up with something and share it soon. Thanks for checking out the process and happy new year! Here's to making cool things in 2023!

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   • Making Plant Paper From Wild Fall Gra...  

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posted by mestnikunp