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Cara mudah dan murah bangun Green house dari besi Hollow galvanis


Mudah dan murah di tentukan oleh
1.Lokasi datar,mudah dijangkau angkutan,ada sumber listrik.
2.Waktu pembangunan di musim kemarau ,pekerjaan relatif stabil tidak terganggu oleh hujan.
3.Kejelian memilih dan memilah bahan.
4.Kejelian memilih tukang.
5.Perencanaan kebutuhan bahan dan skema pemotongan bahan,minimalkan salah potong.
6.Kejelian tehnik pemasangan.

Green house ini hanya di kerjakan 2 Tukang las dan 3 pembantu ,selesai dalam waktu 10 hari.
lebar 20 panjang 30 Anggaran 60 jutaan.

Easy and inexpensive to determine by
1. Flat location, easy to reach by transportation, there is a power source.
2. When the construction is in the dry season, the work is relatively stable, not disturbed by rain.
3. Foresight to choose and sort materials.
4. Foresight to choose a handyman.
5. Planning material requirements and material cutting schemes, minimizing wrong cuts.
6. Foresight of installation techniques.

This green house was only done by 2 welders and 3 helpers, completed within 10 days.
width 20 length 30 Budget 60 million rupiah.
#alatmodern , #peluangusaha #benihkentang #cangar #potatoes #aklimatisasi #ljk #diy #greenhouse #masfarmjk
#benihkentang , benihkentangkotabatu

posted by moravskimmm