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Carotid Artery Surgery New Haven CT For Stroke Prevention With The Best Vascular Surgeons in Milford

Vascular Surgeons New Haven - MVI

Carotid Artery Surgery New Haven CT For Stroke Prevention at Milford Vascular Institute

The carotid arteries are the main arteries in the neck that transport and supply blood circulation to the brain.

When the carotid arteries become blocked by plaque buildup, blood circulation to the brain can become restricted, causing a potentially fatal stroke.

Aging, smoking, high blood pressure. high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease can put a person at risk of developing neck artery blockage (Carotid Artery Disease).

People who have developed blockage in their carotid arteries may experience ringing in the ears or fainting due to the decreased blood circulation to the brain.

Early diagnosis and treatment of carotid artery blockage can save you from a sudden stroke that can cause disability or death.

In the efforts to reduce the incidence of stroke in our community, here at Milford Vascular Institute, we offer free carotid artery ultrasounds all year round.

Carotid artery ultrasounds can help discover if you have blockage in your carotid arteries, and to what extent you have blockage.

The extent of blockage discovered will determine the method of treatment, which can range from simple lifestyle changes to interventional treatments to unblock the carotid arteries.

At Milford Vascular Institute, our board certified vascular surgeon and board certified interventional radiologist use the most advanced, the safest, and the most effective, noninvasive carotid artery surgery methods available anywhere to restore healthy blood flow to the brain, minimizing the risk of stroke.

Here is board certified interventional radiologist Dr. Paul Davis explaining the causes, symptoms, treatment, and the danger of carotid artery disease:

"Hi, Dr. Paul Davis here, interventional radiologist at Milford Vascular Institute.

I wanted to take a moment here to talk to you about carotid artery disease.

The carotid arteries are the large vessels that supply your head and your brain with blood.

And if one has hardening of the arteries or blockage or near blockage of one of those arteries, the big worry is that you could have a stroke.

And that is a major concern, of course, for everybody. Nobody wants to have a stroke.

And if you can prevent it, that's a wonderful thing.

So if you've been diagnosed with carotid artery disease or are worried about carotid artery disease or have had some symptoms that might suggest carotid artery disease, what might that be?

Something where you get a little dizzy or you have almost a nearly fainting episode, or your doctor has put a stethoscope on your neck and said you might have a little noise, what we call a bruit.

We can diagnose that and potentially treat that here at Milford Vascular.

If you have those issues or problems or concerns, please call us.

We'll be happy to see you. We will examine you. We will perform an ultrasound here the same day and get a very good idea of what your carotid arteries look like.

And if we're concerned or there's a worry that there could be a narrowing that is worrisome, we would send you for further imaging, either a CAT scan or an MRI.

And as a radiologist, I would personally interpret those images and decide if it's narrowed, how narrowed it is, and what the best treatment is.

And then you would come back to the office and we would discuss those results.

Now, the good thing is a lot of us have a little bit of narrowing in our arteries and not to be worried about it.

Most of the time, it's just lifestyle changes, maybe a change in medications, maybe an aspirin.

But in some people where the narrowing is getting severe or worrisome, we might suggest a further intervention.

Either a carotid stenting or a surgery where we take out the plaque and open up the artery so the brain is getting full blood flow and would decrease any chance of having a severe stroke, which could really obviously devastate someone's life and or their family's life.

So if you have any concerns or problems or you're worried or just want to talk to somebody about that, please call our office. We'll be happy to see you."

To learn more about how early diagnosis and treatment of carotid artery disease can save you from a sudden stroke, visit:

posted by Alurlbesque5s