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Chieh-Ju Chao - Toward AI-enabled Automatic Echocardiography Reporting: Challenges and Solutions

Stanford AIMI

Recorded on June 29, 2023 by the Stanford Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Imaging.

Automation through Automatic Radiology Report Generation (ARRG) has the potential to enhance patient care by delivering precise and prompt reports. The field of ARRG has experienced significant advancements recently, particularly with the development of visuallinguistic models (VLM). However, similar progress has not been seen in the domain of echocardiography, despite its extensive use in Cardiology. This presentation aims to discuss the existing challenges in constructing an AIenabled system for automatic echocardiography interpretation and showcase our preliminary efforts in this area.

ChiehJu Chao is a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic, and he is currently a visiting scholar at HAI. He is actively engaged in collaborative AI projects between the Mayo Clinic and Stanford HAI, working alongside Ehsan Adeli and FeiFei Li. Clinically, Dr. Chao specializes in interventional echocardiography and valvular heart diseases and is devoted to applying AI to echocardiograms to address clinical problems.

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