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國畫山水.荷花chinese painting flowers ~by Chen Ming-Hsien(陈铭显 陳銘顯)水墨畫.國畫入門影音視頻


陳銘顯( 陈铭显畫歷簡介
創立中華現代國畫研究學會 暨所屬8個畫會提倡『筆墨、意境、現代精神』三要素的現代國畫將西方美學融入東方繪畫為目前中國大陸與台灣最具影響力以及官方肯定的著名專業畫家。
陳銘顯( 陈铭显對國畫水墨藝壇貢獻如下..
1. 兩岸(中國與台灣)第一位提出『現代國畫』名詞繼承傳統國畫優點並創立『現 代國畫』畫派引領活水延續中華傳統繪畫命脈開創康莊大道貢獻卓著。
2. 1971年起两岸(中国与台湾)有史以来第一位提倡用毛笔对景写生并加以推广这是东方水墨绘画界新观念的转变也是实践「天人合一」、外师造化及他倡导无所不画、无所不入画的自由创作理念以创作者自我感性为主导直接反应生活中的体验。
3. 1971年兩岸(中國與台灣)第一位設計發明磨墨機方便了創作。
4. 1975年兩岸(中國與台灣)第一位設計輕便水墨寫生板並推廣個人自己手製方便了旅行寫生創作。
5. 1980年兩岸(中國與台灣)第一位畫家製作個人作品保證書 並每年作品照相編號存檔除個人反省長進更為收藏者核證匡正藝術收藏贋品假畫問題促進藝術收藏正常化發展。台灣畫廊界因此跟進推出畫家作品保證書取信購買家。
6. 2008年起創辦台灣唯一的『台灣兒童水墨寫生比賽』2015年起舉辦『兒 童水墨夏令營』深耕培養國畫水墨幼苗。
7. 台灣光復後兩岸(中國與台灣)國畫水墨界第一位成功的專業畫家。
8. 被譽為『藝壇教父』、『碩、博士後指導教授』教授現代國畫創作培育優秀畫家無數早年並曾任教僑務委員會華裔中心海外學生逾五千遍佈世界各國為真正桃李滿天下的畫家。
9. 創立中華現代國畫研究學會暨所屬8個畫會為目前台灣最大、素質最優秀的繪畫集團推展現代國畫為國畫水墨引領活水親近廣大群眾。
10. 個人作品特色獨創【屋漏痕】、【積色法】表現技法表現了東方繪畫水墨靈動氣韻精神與高雅意境並豐富了傳統水墨繪畫欠缺的厚實感與色彩變化。尤其是中國畫中第一位開創【積色法】名稱與獨創的堆砌的染色技法以色當墨層層堆砌色彩厚實了作品 色調也豐富了色彩層次改革並顛覆了傳統中國畫染色方法。
11. 被譽為畫壇的「常勝軍」在台灣各類美展中獲獎超過50次以上是歷經大小比賽嶄露頭角的實力派畫家。
13. 弘揚中華繪畫藝術不遺餘力策劃主持無數重要展覽及大陸、國際交流展與國家公園系列合作專題畫展巡迴國內外展出除為台灣留記錄並弘揚台灣現代國畫水墨成就宣傳台灣之美促進觀光深得各界佳評。
14. 2013年應福建莆田媽祖故鄉文峰天后宮官廟邀請策劃指導繪製完成中國歷史上第三版本媽祖聖蹟圖出版發行全世界發揚媽祖精神凝聚中華民族向心力海峽兩岸激賞。
■ enjoy modern painting■
[ Modern painting ] by the Chinese Society for the Study of Modern Chinese Painting Director: MingHsien Chen 陳銘顯(陈铭显) advocated advisor , heritage of traditional ink painting in ink ' mood , and then add a modern spirit , to show the modern universal aesthetic appreciation of the value of the new style , past with the future and the future, lead Oriental Art ink painting mainstream , open innovation Chong right way .
Professor MingHsien Chen 陳銘顯(陈铭显)founding and leading the school of "Contemporary Chinese Painting”, established Contemporary Chinese Painting Association plus 8 affiliated art associations. By integrating western aesthetics into eastern painting and promoting contemporary Chinese painting with 3 elements — ink, mood and modern spirit, Professor Chen is currently the most influential, bestknown professional painter both in China and Taiwan.
Contributions to Chinese ink painting are as follows.
《1. 》The first one to bring up the idea of “Modern Chinese Painting”
crossstrait, inheriting the excellence of traditional Chinese
Painting to establish “Modern Chinese Painting” school. It
continues the heritage of traditional Chinese painting, creates a
new pathway and makes outstanding contributions.
《2.》 The first one promotes to sketch with Chinese brush since 1971,
which was the turning point of Chinese painting, and also the
practice of “integration of nature and human” and “external
learning from Nature.” His idea of “anything could be the
materials of painting” focuses on the sensation of creator.
《3. 》The inventor crossstrait of inkgrinding machine in 1971.
《4.》 The first designer crossstrait of portable ink painting sketch
board in 1975.
《5.》 The first artist crossstrait to use the certificate of each artwork
annually and file them with photos in serial numbers. It not
only reflects the authenticity of collectors but also verifies
and corrects the counterfeit problems, and promotes the
normalization of the artworks collections. Taiwan gallery
community hence follow up and develops the idea of the artwork
certificates in order to win the trust of collectors.
《6. 》The first founder of “Taiwan Children's Sketch in Ink Painting
Competition” in 2008 and “Summer Camp of Ink Painting” in
2015, to cultivate the develop the seedlings of Chinese ink
《7. 》……The first successful professional artist crossstrait after the
restoration of Taiwan.
《8. 》……He is hailed as the godfather of art field and the advisor of
graduate and Ph. D students. He teaches modern Chinese
painting creation and nurtures numerous outstanding painters.
In the early years he taught in the Overseas Chinese Affairs
Committee, now his students had more than five thousand
people all over the world.
《9. 》……The founder of Contemporary Chinese Painting Association and
eight branches, which is Taiwan's largest painting association
with the best quality. They promote modern Chinese painting,
lead the new direction for ink painting, and bring the Chinese
painting closer to the public.
《10.》 His unique techniques: “Stainlike brush style,” and “ink
accumulation method” show the oriental spirit and elegance
of ink painting, and make up the traditional ink painting which
lacks thickness and changeability of colors.
《11. 》A gifted artist who received more than fifty awards in fine arts
exhibitions in Taiwan.
《12.》…… He promotes the spirit of “resketch,” and pursues the idea of
“integration between nature and human” to the highest level.
He not only has profound traditi

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