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Chonglai on : ' a way that science can't capture'

Ang Chong Lai

An animation on ambigrams created by Mara Ang Chong Lai.

This piece is about "Ambigrams" or "wordplay" a term coined by Douglas R. Hofstadter and popularized by Scott E.Kim. The most recent commission is the wordplay title created by John Langdon for the book Angels and Demons written by Dan Brown (author of The Da Vinci Code). Ambigram is never a mainstream form of art and is insofar esoteric to a group of ambigrammists.

As in Latin ,ambi stands for both and gram stands for letter. As a noun, it is a word or words that can be read in more than one way or from more than one vantage point. Ambigrams' ambiguity can be read in at least two different ways such as both right side up, upside down, mirror reflection, right to left, etc.

Ambigrams can induce evolution to our senses and sensibilities to attain a transcended perception. Henceforth, the multiplicities of possibilities within our hypothetical world choices disguised in a reel attempt at silent dialogue.

Music is created by Chonglai using Acid Pro when he is into music though he does not has the talent for sound, he does have a sense of rhythm playing African Percussion, the only instrument he can play on.

posted by frekvencx2