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ഭഗവാൻ കൂടെ ഉള്ളപ്പോൾ നാം കാണുന്ന ലക്ഷ്ണങ്ങൾ.

ക്ഷേത്ര പുരാണം

However, He considers those who worship His personalform as the best yogis. In this small chapter of 20 verses, Shree Krishna emphasizes that the path of devotion is the highest among all types of spiritual practices.

He then explains to Arjun that it is rather difficult to meditate upon the unmanifest aspect of God. Hence, the path of worshiping the formless is full of tribulations for the embodied souls. On the other hand, the devotees who worship His personalform dedicate all their actions to Him.

Shree Krishna says that such love for God does not come naturally to the struggling souls. Devotion is not some mysterious gift that one can get; it requires consistent efforts to cultivate it.

Shree Krishna further explains that the cultivation of knowledge is higher than mechanical practice, and meditation is higher than knowledge. However, better than meditation is the renunciation of the fruits of actions because it immediately leads to great peace.

Arjun is now fully convinced that Shree Krishna is the Supreme Divine Personality and requests Him to describe further His divine glories, which are like divine nectar. Shree Krishna then discloses that everything that exists is a manifestation of His energies. He is the beginning, middle, and end of all. All beings and things get their splendor from Him. He is the powerhouse of magnificence and the infinite reservoir of knowledge, power, beauty, and glory.

The rest of the chapter describes the personalities, objects, and activities that best display His magnificence. Shree Krishna finally says that the magnitude of His glory cannot be described in words, as within a fraction of His being, He upholds infinite universes. Since God is the source of all the splendor and glory, we must make Him the object of our devotion.
Practice developing humility, tolerance, and gentle behavior towards all. The key to developing a humble attitude is to consider oneself fallen, immeasurably sinful, dirty and wretched which we factually are. Contrary to popular western concept of inferioritycomplex, this is a very healthy practice (when done in small doses, and do not delve much on your past sins too much). It keeps us grounded, and enables one to consider all even pigs, beggars, and lowclass people as equal to or better than oneself.

BG 10.9 With their minds fixed on me and their lives surrendered to me, my devotees remain ever contented in Me. They derive great satisfaction and bliss in enlightening one another about Me, and conveying about My glories.

The remembrance of God becomes the essential need for pure devotees. A pure devotee engages himself always in remembrance of God. One of the example is of Gopis who looked upon Krishna as everything and saw everything in Him. The Gopis loved Krishna more than anyone else. They left their homes on hearing the melody of His flute, setting aside everything else. This bhakti of them is known as Madhurya bhakti is the highest form of bhakti. They need not require any knowledge to attain Him. Devotion is everything if one wants to attain the Divine.

Krishna says

BG 18.65 Always think of Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me and offer obeisance to Me. Doing so, you will certainly come to Me. This is my pledge to you , for you are very dear to Me.

One needs faith in Him to become better devotee. This faith can be acquired only by ' bhakti yoga.’ As the level of devotion increases this faith is converted into love and this love gives devotee the immense pleasure that even this material world feels futile to him. He makes supreme lord as his supreme goal and this goal helps to advance in level of ' bhakti' day by day. Krishna also says

BG 12.20 Those who honor this nectar of wisdom declared here, have faith in Me, and are devoted and intent on Me as the supreme goal, they are exceedingly dear to Me.

The others features which help in becoming pure devotees is described in chapter 13. These features are humility, pridelessness, non violence, tolerance, simplicity, approaching bonafide spiritual master, cleanliness, steadiness, self control, renunciation of the objects of sense gratification, absence of false ego, the perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease, non attachment to children, wife, home and the rest, detatchment from general mass of people, accepting the importance of self realisation and search for Absolute truth.

But, if someone is fully Krishna conscious then these features come to him automatically. Such is the power of Krishna consciousness.

Sometimes people who are advancing in Krishna consciousness also fails but Krishna says “ My devotees never perishes.’ So, simply we have to receive the mercy to become His pure devotee as Krishna says

BG 10.10 To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with live, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare. Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram
#krishnaadvices #krishna #bhagavathgeetha

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