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Decoding the EEOC: Navigating New Harassment Guidelines

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On this episode, we dive deep into the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) groundbreaking new harassment guidelines.
Join us as we break down the complexities and offer practical insights for navigating these vital directives in today's workplace. From clarifying key definitions to outlining effective prevention strategies, our expert guests unravel the nuances, ensuring you're equipped to cultivate a safe and inclusive work environment.
Tune in for a comprehensive discussion that seamlessly merges legal compliance with actionable advice, empowering HR professionals, managers, and employees to confidently navigate the everevolving landscape of workplace harassment.
* The information in this podcast is current as of May 15, 2024.
Disclaimer: this information is for general purposes only. MRA is not a law firm, and it does not provide any legal advice. Listeners should consult with their own counsel on any topics discussed in this podcast.
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EEOC's Guidance (2024)

posted by hanjaylay837u