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Disney's Toontown Online: Official Soundtrack - Make-A-Toon

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Official music from the Disney massive multiplayer online game: Disney's Toontown Online.


Composers: Jamie Christopherson, Cody Weistheimer,
and Sean Beeson
Developer: VR Studio/Disney Interactive Media Group (DIMG)
Publisher: The Walt Disney Company

Personal Thoughts On This Track:

Wow, this song always makes me feel inspired to start designing a new toon. It really does a great job of sparking creativity and excitement in creating a new character. If you're like me and you spend a long time designing your toon, you may think the song would get old after a while. Surprisingly, it doesn't! It's actually a pretty long song and isn't loud or obnoxious, so it never feels repetitive.

posted by kiginegreedob2r