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Divine Union - The Love Story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene

Lea Chapin

Divine Union: The Love Story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene Contact me at [email protected]

You are about to embark upon an epic journey where you will have the rare opportunity to experience an expanded account of two of the most remarkable souls in the history of mankind, Yeshua Ben Joseph (Jesus the Christ), and his beloved twin flame, Mary Magdalene.
Much of their life and love story has been altered, suppressed and misunderstood throughout the ages. Now, it is finally time for their true voices to be heard and their pure essence as twin flames, united as One, to be recognized.
This book provides far more than just the revisit of an old story. The details and insights revealed here have the potential to bring forth new truths to help all who are ready to align with an expanded version of consciousness set in motion long ago by
these two Ascended Masters. Much that is presented in this story goes far beyond what has ever been presented before. It may challenge what you have been told or believe about Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, and their true spiritual and physical legacy. Their love story, told from their own vantage point, presents a new perspective of Mary Magdalene’s role as Yeshua’s twin flame, spiritual partner, best friend, wife, and mother of his children.
It is through the power of their love that a portal of energy of cosmic peace and unconditional love has been anchored upon the Earth plane. This book is the physical portal created to activate and infuse cosmic peace and unconditional love into the hearts of all mankind. These powerful blends of energy provide an opportunity for spiritual seekers to return to balance and live in peace and harmony with all of creation.
Over 2000 years ago, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene left their energetic imprints of peace and love on Earth as a template for all twin flames to embody. It is of the utmost importance that all original twin flames reunite in divine sacred union to bring the masculine and feminine frequencies back into wholeness and balance within themselves so peace may prevail on planet Earth.
Just as all true masters have instructed their students and initiates since time immemorial, the author and these two magnificent Ascended Masters wish to share their love and wisdom, so you may look into your own heart and discern what feels right and true for you regarding Yeshua and Mary Magdalene’s legacy of love.

posted by skattaleg09