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DNA Family Secrets: Is my birth father a murderer?

Professor Turi King
Over half of adoptees in the UK eventually try to discover the identity of their birth parents. When mother of six Fi, started asking about where she came from, she was totally unprepared for the question it would raise.

I was placed for adoption from birth. I didn't have any information about my biological mum and dad, until I traced what happened. When I was 20, I decided I'd quite like to trace my biological parents, and huge shock of discovering that my mother was killed.

It was domestic abuse, and my father was serving time in jail, for murdering my mother. The social worker told me that when I was born, there is a statement from my father that says, he does not believe he is my father, but he was going to put his name on the birth certificate for the purposes of adoption. So, is that man who murdered my mother, is he my father or is there somebody else?

So, you'd like to try and figure out if the man that murdered your mother was your biological father?
Several weeks after first meeting Turi, Fi is traveling back to the University of Leicester, to find out her DNA results.

Come on in, take a seat.

How are you?

I'm fine, it's so nice to see you again.

It's lovely to see to.

So, when we first met your question was whether or not the man who murdered your mum was your biological father? So, this is where DNA actually can really come into its own because it can give you a really conclusive answer.

So, what we did was we had the name of the man on your birth certificate, and we have your mum's name. So, you know, we take your DNA, and we analyse it, and we found 19 third cousins, five second cousins.


And one first cousin. And whilst we're doing that, is we're trying to go okay, so this looks like it's coming from your mum's side and that allows us to partition out what we think is coming from your biological father's side. The next thing to do is to build the tree of the man who was on your birth certificate. And then what we're looking to see is whether or not this tree, from the man who's on your birth certificate, is matching what we're getting from your biological father's side, to see if there's any overlap between the two.

And there was not. The man who killed your mother is not your biological father.

I don't know what to say. You’ve set my mind at rest. I was so scared. The fear that I'm like him in some way, is gone. It's my last chance to find out once and for all and you've given me the answer I really wanted to have, but wasn't sure I would get.

Yours has been a really huge step to take to do this. To open that door, not knowing which way it was going to go and you did it. With more work, more research we could find your biological father's family.

Whether I'll ever go down who my father was root, I don't know. I'm taking one step at a time, but I don't ever feel I need to know about my father.

It's an awful lot to take in.

You've answered the biggest question I had in my head, so thank you, thank you enormously.

You're very welcome. I know you're going to go and see Stacey now.


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