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Do You Control Your Decisions?



I believe true free will would be similar to god, an all powerful being in control of everything. And this would be where our sense of self gets lost.

If you were in control of everything, it would have to include your past, and if your able to change your past you could become a different person. Your past is what makes you the person you are. so if you can change your past, you can totally change who you are. but then you lose your original 'self' or any sense of self for that matter, because if you can change yourself into anything else, then it doesn't matter anymore. our conventional meaning of self wouldn't hold true anymore.

this idea gets into 'unimaginable' territory. because you could always say that there was the previous version of yourself, before your changed yourself, like there was the point before you changed the past.. but if you changed the past, then there was no previous version of yourself. and then it gets into the classic philosophical question of, 'if a tree falls in a forest with nobody around', if the universe was changed where that first version of you didn’t exist, then does that mean that version never really existed before? I guess this is honestly just one big temporal paradox.

Hi, i'm ASCii. I make educational animated video with ascii art! this video is about free will, goal alignment and the usefulness of believing in whether you do or don't have free will. do we have free will? determinism says no. but quantum mechanics says.. maybe..? the question brings up multiple philosophical and ethical arguments, none of which I got really deep into.

my videos are inspired by Sam o'nella academy and Sam Harris. what? two sam's? what is this, a sam's club? I guess some other people i'm inspired by would be Oversimplified, Misinformed, CGP Grey and Casually explained.and yes, i'm pretty much just writing these names to boost this videos visibility.

contact/social media information.
This channel is my only social media, comment on one of my videos if you want to talk.
Email in about page of my channel.

credit due to some images I used;

Music was like, I don't even know.


182h animation
9h 24m notepad
17h 15m music

208h 39m total
research and writing aren't kept track of accurately, but a rough guess would be a combined 35 hours. which brings the total to 243 hours.

Thanks for watching!

posted by holiofliplx