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Don't ever write Python code like this

Karolina Sowinska

My FREE guide on how to become a data engineer:

I've spent a lot of time refactoring other people's code, and here's the summary: 6 Python mistakes to avoid!

Why you should never write your Python code like that? There are a few reasons:
it looks unprofessional
it makes your code hard to read
your colleagues are secretly going to hate you
messy code will bite you later, when it starts failing and you have no idea why!

So, join me on this Python code refactoring journey, and don't ever write Python code like this ever again! :) Don't worry if anything from this video looks overwhleming to you these are not even Python beginners' mistakes, they are made by beginners and more advanced users of Python alike. But it's time to learn Python best practices if you want to rock! :)

pep8 style guide:

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posted by sjemenitiah