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Watch the crown jewel of the Flying Bulls collection the last DC6 passenger plane still in service today, getting ready for takeoff and come back in to land in a thunderstorm!

Without a doubt, the DC6B is the crown jewel of the Flying Bulls. Built in 1958, the plane has had an illustrious past. She was used to chauffeur heads of state and their celebrity guests all over the world. The sheer size and the unmistakable 1950s coat of the DC6B are as impressive as ever.

All over the world, the DC6B is renowned for her eventful history. Manufactured in Douglas, Santa Monica, in 1958, the plane was sold to the stateowned Yugoslavian airline JAT. Premier Marshall Josip Broz Tito ordered a luxury model for himself and his celebrity guests. In 1975, Tito sold the plane to Zambia’s head of state Kenneth Kaunda who also used the DC6B as a luxury airliner – until he left her abandoned outside Lusaka airport.

In March 2000, Sigi Angerer, chief Flying Bulls pilot, spotted the DC6B for sale in Africa in an airline magazine and quickly made his move. On July 7th 2000, the plane took off from Windhoek and headed for Salzburg. The flight took 28 hours, with 4 stops, causing no problems. In 2001, restoration began and following thousands of hours of labour, the DC6B left the workshop in all her glory three years later.

follow their journey

find out more about their fleet

make sure to visit Hangar7

posted by iv2a2tinm6