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Dudjom Lineage 2004

Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Lama Tharchin Rinpoche gives a brief personal history of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, including an explanation of several of his previous incarnations, on the 17th anniversary of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche’s passing into parinirvana.

Recorded at Pema Ösel Ling, January 10, 2004
Language: Tibetan with English translation by Ngawang Zangpo

You can purchase a download of this video at Heart Teachings by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche and help support our work to preserve and make available Rinpoche's authentic Nyingma heritage:

© 2004 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche; produced in digital format 2017 Lama Tharchin Rinpoche Heritage Foundation & Heart Teachings by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

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