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"The shift" is in full swing, and key component of future trade has finally reached it´s (partial) completion. We can now send trains to the west and we obviously are going to do so quickly.

5 year plans:
19601964 gravel + meat; completed
19651969 prefabs + coal; completed
19701974 boards + bricks; completed
19751979 clothing + cement; completed
19801984 chemicals + plastics; completed
19851989 fuel + bitumen; completed
19901994 uranium oxide + UF6; wip

storyline events:
1968 expells done
1970 normalisation running
1973 Husák´s children (both already done in 12/1971)
1977 Charta 77 running

HUSÁK CHALLENGE rules (in short)
1) Hard map, scarce resources
2) Realistic mode, NO LOANS
3) Export of only 100% inrepublic made (no imports in any preceding step). Exceptions: electricity, fuel for vehicles, chemicals for water treatment
4) Import limit to 1 full free warehouse (85t) of prefabs per year only.
5) Ban on buying trams, trains, planes, helis and ships. Self production with blueprints needed. Disassembled track layer(s) are exception.
6) 5yearplans (2 new exportable goods each 5 years, need to predict them at the beginning of each period). Failure = end or rule 10
7) Play vanilla. You can use modded buildings AFTER using all vanilla from same category (for diversity).
8) 1500/300 immigration points 1st/following years, workers costs 1/3/6 points each (based on education).

9) Money reform once per campaing "loan" RUB (1,4mil) for 5 years and let it be. No refinancing, prolonging, reissuing. If you run out of money, you end.

10) Perestrojka failing one 5yearplan is doable. Failing two is ok if happened in two nonconsecutive 5years. Failing 3rd leads to your loss of control and sends you to gulag. Start again.

19601989 "Comecon" to west you can only export electricity and advanced products (but hold rule #3). Tourism is allowed, though...

21.8.1968 "Varsaw pact invasion" due to "brotherlike intervention" you are allowed to keep only one hotel and western tourism is strictly banned. Also force away/kill people who do not comply have at least 600 emigrations+deaths in span of 09/196812/1969 (how you make it is up to you).

1970 Normalisation since school year 1970/71 (september 1970) all university professors HAVE TO HAVE over 50% loyalty. If your republic fails, your reign is replaced.

1973 Husák´s children by the end of 1973 you have to have at least one working orphanage and you have be researching/have already completed the research of "Increased birthrates" at medical university

1977 Charta ´77 you do not suffer revolutionary ideas; sentences are set to minimum of 5/6/7 years for crimes to teach them.

17.11.1989 Velvet revolution end of "Rule of one Party". No more tourism restrictions and sentence minimums; you can trade with west with all resources since 12/1989. But your loyalty must never fall bellow 50%, else you lose reign in democratic elections.

01/1991 End of Comecon no more exports in RUB except electricity, tourism and used vehicles. Every trade from now on must be taking in USD as a general trade currency (so via NATO borders).
THE ENDGAME GOAL is not only to survive, but to export at least (in total) "n" amount of each available resource of positive value (except waste).

See table at Steam page of the challenge

posted by Canzi3f