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【ENG SUB】《我的機器人女友/Yes I Do!》如果是你,你會選擇一個有感情的但是感情不穩定的人,還是會選擇沒有感情,但是很穩定的機器?



✨劇情簡介方元包貝爾 飾雖然年紀輕輕卻已經對生活失去了所有的熱情。身為導遊的他每天渾渾噩噩的做著自己的本職工作對遊覽的風景名勝毫無興趣和熱愛。生活裡方元也是形單影隻的一個人長久的孤獨讓他早就對親密關係失去了信心。一次偶然中方元邂逅了一個神秘的女孩辛芷蕾 飾兩人度過了開心的一夜可之後女孩便銷聲匿跡令方元久久無法忘懷。
Fang Yuan a tour guide without passion, mets unknown girl on his birthday, It soon turns out, that she also celebrates her birth that day, and they decide to spend it together. However, after the party, their contact is completely cut off. Year later, Yuan once meets the robot, who looked exactly the same as the girl from a past celebration. Soon, Fang and Chu Yi, decide to live under one roof.

posted by Mitschuld39