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Episode 5: Fasting the First 9 Days | Virtues of Dhul Hijjah

Yaqeen Institute

The Prophet used to fast numerous days throughout the year. In episode 5 of the Virtues of Dhul Hijjah, Dr. Omar Suleiman walks us through Prophet Muhammad’s sunnah of fasting the first 9 days of Dhul Hijjah in addition to other notable days such as ‘Ashura and 3 days in the middle of each month.

0:00 The days that the Prophet SAW used to fast 
0:46 Ayyam alBeed and why the Prophet SAW fasted these days
2:01 Combining intentions for multiple voluntary good deeds 
4:53 Which days to fast in Dhul Hijjah
5:20 Dua

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