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Ermak way. Spring rafting on the Serebryanka and Chusovaya rivers

По Уралу и Сибири

In 2021, we wanted to raft along the Chusovaya from the village of Krylosovo to the town of Chusovoy, but the current was very weak and we simply did not have time to complete the route in time we had to meet our friend in order to go rafting down the Sylva with him. We only reached the Kyn, so in the spring of 2022 we decided to "finish off" this route, and at the same time visit another Ural river Serebryanka, a tributary of the Chusovaya. Along this river, Yermak climbed the Ural Mountains in order to cross them and go to Siberia.
They decided to raft on high water, in early spring, on the May holidays. It was, of course, cold. Nevertheless, fast spring rivers impressed us greatly, and it was interesting to look at the nature moving away from winter hibernation.

posted by Kopti58