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ESP Block vs. Paravertebral Block [WcRAPM Paris 2023]

Ki-Jinn Chin

This is my presentation from a ProCon session with Prof Manoj Karmakar at the World Congress of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine held in Sep 2023 in Paris.
My aim was primarily to dispel the common myths that surround the ESP block, to show that the ESP and paravertebral blocks are closely related, and to provide some tips on how to make the ESP work better for our patients.
00:25 – Process of discovery
01:10 – Updated anatomy
03:15 – MRI evidence
05:28 – Analgesia vs cutaneous block
08:21 – Systemic effect?
09:40 Why choose ESP
12:28 Spectrum of ESPtoPVB
13:50 US targets in ESPITPPVB
15:21 Dorsal rami vs Ventral rami coverage
16:49 Lateralmedial axis of imaging and needling
18:59 Conclusion

posted by galactosa3b