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Explosive sales of fried rice! A Tokyo restaurant that also attracts a flood of foreign customers!

Wonderful Japanese Chefs

Located under the overpass in Tokyo's bustling Ameyoko, Chinchinken is a longestablished local Chinese restaurant that has been loved by locals and tourists for over 70 years.

The restaurant has counter and table seating, but the majority of the seating is outdoors, where you can enjoy Chinese food while feeling the breeze. It has an atmosphere like an openair terrace cafe, and has a unique charm.

Chinchinken's menu is characterized by its simple yet deep flavors. Particularly popular are the snacks such as the "char siu platter" and "karashiae" (mixed with mustard), which go perfectly with beer and sake. The most popular dish, "fried rice," attracts many visitors with its wellbalanced flavor.

Restaurant: Chinchinken
Location: 6122 Ueno, Taitoku, Tokyo
Google Maps
[Chinchinken's SNS]
  / ueno_chinchinken

Time code
0:00 Digest
0:46 Preparation begins
11:13 Open for business
16:04 Tasting
18:18 Night business scene
18:58 Cleaning and tidying up

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posted by ponderirahr