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February 2024 Lipedema Patient Roundtable Hosted by

The Lipedema Channel

Love is always in the air at the Lipedema Patient Roundtable, but the feeling was palpable as the group shared what community means to them in this “Galentines” episode. With representatives from the Lipedema Foundation and Fat Disorders Resource Society (FDRS) welcomed as guests, questions and answers abounded. New materials intended for patients to bring to their medical team were unveiled by the ‪@lipedemafoundation8294‬, and discussion surrounding how to participate in the organization’s research database was discussed. 

Angelique Charles encouraged the audience to “not give up on themselves” and Siouxie Boshoff shared how “Vitamin G – gratitude” made a difference in her month. An East Coast virtual watch party for the ‪@FatDisordersResourceSociety‬ Conference may be in the works, spearheaded by Pattie Cornute and Jenny Beaujean. And Cara Cruz cautioned all to be prepared for the postConference letdown after spending days with people who truly understand #lipedema.

The following questions were asked about the live research opportunity, with the Lipedema Foundation promising to provide answers in the coming days. So, here they are:
1. Is it advisable/helpful for people to stop compression and/or other conservative therapies a few days before they participate?
We do not advise or recommend removing compression any earlier than coming to the research study without compression (expedites the changing room process). We are stating the following for participants on our Live Research landing page: "Participants will need to disrobe prior to participating in the study, and changing areas will be available. To expedite the process, please come to your assigned time slot without compression if possible."
2. Are we interested in participation from people who have undergone surgery?
Yes. Having undergone liposuction in the past does not prohibit your ability to participate in this study.

Special thanks to special guests Jonathan Kartt, CEO, and Courtney Mascio Henderson, Professional Education Manager, from The Lipedema Foundation (@lipedema_fndn). The Roundtable truly appreciates the participation of Cheyenne Brinson, President, and Polly Armour, Research Coordinator, for the Fat Disorders Resource Society (@fatdisorders).

And everyone’s favorite Galentines? Our anchor panelists and moderator: 
Jenny Beaujean (@Jenny_Beaujean)
Siouxie Boshoff (@Lipedema.Living)
Angelique Charles (@TheLippyButterfly)
Pattie Cornute (@LipedemaFitness)
Cara Cruz (@PaleGingerPear)
Brenda Viola (@brendaviola_vicicommunications)

The Lipedema Patient Roundtables are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 PM EST and are sponsored by ‪@Lympha_Press‬, which offers #CompressionTherapy systems like the Optimal Plus compression pump and Lympha Pants garment to effectively treat lipedema patients. To learn more about how Lympha Press can help you, visit

... And if you’re attending the FDRS Conference, come and visit the Lympha Press booth, where Brenda Viola will delighted to meet you in person!

posted by svalestup4y