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Femoral Nerve / Fascia Iliaca Block Catheter - A 'How-To' Guide to Insertion

Ki-Jinn Chin

This video illustrates my preferred approach to femoral nerve / fascia iliaca block catheter insertion for prolonged analgesia in hip fracture, and hip / thigh / knee surgery. A Pajunk Ecath catheter set is used here for its relative simplicity and ease of insertion, but the same approach can be used with any catheterthrough needle set.
This clip is extracted from a longer video (   • Ultrasoundguided Fascia Iliaca Blocks  ) describing fascia iliaca blocks in general and why I personally prefer to think of and practice them as an outofplane femoral nerve block.

00:00 – Intro
01:10 – Hybrid OOPIP approach
01:30 Technique

posted by galactosa3b