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Fibromyalgia: scientists have found the cause and successfully treated it. We show you how.

DrGraeme- serious massagers for serious results

Scientists found what causes fibromyalgia and how to successfully treated it, over a decade ago, so why don’t doctors know? Years ago they had patients with wide spread pain but nothing could be found on test results. The called this fibromyalgia. Therefore fibromyalgia is diagnosed when patients have widespread pain, and no cause can be found.
Scientists discovered that fibromyalgia is is caused by chronic or long term pain bombarding the nervous system causing it to become sensitised. This is called sensitisation. The most common cause of this pain is myofascial trigger points, or trigger points for short. The scientists have found that if they stop the pain from trigger points it cures fibromyalgia.
In this video we discuss that it takes time for scientific knowledge to be adopted by medicine, but drug companies are making huge profits from providing symptom based treatments. It is best for them if doctors think that there is no cure for fibromyalgia.
We discuss a treatment or cure for fibromyalgia by treating the trigger points

Contact a professional who is expert in musculoskeletal conditions, including trigger points. A good place to start may be to call a clinic on our list of practices who use and recommend our massagers. They will likely have an understanding of how to incorporate self massage into a proper professional management plan. To do this:
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3. Select the top choice: From a practice that uses and recommends them.

Web article: How scientists have successfully treated fibromyalgia:
Trigger points:
• Article: How to treat trigger points
• Video two    • Why trigger point pain keeps coming b...  
• Web page

posted by Scaffetti70