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Finishing a Wheel with Sikkens Cetol Marine Natural Teak u0026 Gloss


By reading this first you can skip the video and save 23 minutes of your life with these takeaways: xylene is an inexpensive substitute for Interlux Special Thinner 216, Cetol seems okay, the gloss coat is probably unnecessary for this piece, this guy is boring, this guy isn't close to his boat, this guy has no idea what he's doing and boats with brightwork are a pain in the posterior. On the gloss coat, alluded to but never elucidated in the video is that though it gives the piece that "wet" look it also highlights the variations in the weathered grain of the wood which is why I'm not sure I'd use the gloss in this situation again.

Also, in a perfect example of never say never, I have to qualify my remarks regarding brightwork. I would most certainly have another boat lavished in varnished teak but only if I'd won the lottery and could afford to pay someone to maintain it! Cheers!

das Boot: Cabo Rico 38

posted by arthrogen00