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First Date Tips Celibacy Soul ties Witchcraft Friendship Envy u0026 More - Open Chats Podcast Ep70

Open Chats Podcast

In this funny and relatable episode of the Open Chats Podcast (episode 70), we explored everything from dating tips to deeper, thoughtprovoking topics! We kicked things off by discussing what makes the perfect first date—from the girl’s and guy’s perspectives. Whether it's a fancy restaurant or a simple coffee date, we gave tips on how guys can impress without spending too much.

We then shifted to a conversation about intimacy and celibacy in relationships—what should a guy do if his girlfriend is celibate? Why do some women choose celibacy, and how does it affect the relationship?

We didn’t stop there! We also delved into spirituality, exploring the idea of soul ties and the emotional bonds created through relationships. Plus, we tackled the controversial topic of witchcraft—whether it’s real or just an illusion.

To wrap it up, we discussed friendship envy and jealousy—how to spot if your friend is secretly envious or jealous and what steps you can take if they are. This episode is packed with laughter, deep insights, and plenty of relatable moments. You don’t want to miss it!

#Openchatspodcast #podcast #OpenChatsPodcast #FirstDateTips #CelibacyInRelationships #FriendshipEnvy #SouthAfricanPodcast #SoulTies #WitchcraftDebate #RelationshipAdvice #DatingTipsSA #LoveAndRelationships
Disclaimer: The views of the speakers in this podcast does not reflect those of the host or podcast. Opinions in this podcast are not to be used as facts as it is merely entertainment. And everything mentioned here is for sake of entertainment purposes only.

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posted by shirly862o