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Five-Cable Challenge | Part IV | MakeNoise Music Easel

Bottle Makes Music

FiveCable Challenge Part IV
Back to the Cable Challenge videos! Artificially creating some constraints by limiting the number of patch cables I can use. Necessity being the mother of invention can lead to some interesting outcomes, especially true here when having to patch with some intention, taking the resulting track in directions that were not apparent at the outset.

Patch Notes
0Coast SteppedRandom Out to Voltage Math Attenuverter In
0Coast Triangle LFO Out to Voltage Math In
0Coast Voltage Math Out to 1V/Oct In
0Coast Modular Out to Strega External Audio In
Strega Activation Out to 0Coast Contour Gate In

Slope Cycle: ON

Some additional postprocessing and reamping was achieved to add some ambience and stereo width to the original 0Coast audio.

posted by legoergosum0w