EmotionRise #entertainment
This time the theme is Halloween and Fantasy!
Knowing he is not a great dancer, he gives full effort to impress his girlfriend with a marriage proposal .
It starts off with the children going around the tables asking for candy. Once asking the couple for candy, which they don't have, the proposer goes to the next table and grabs a box...
Proposing to his girlfriend is the most important part of his life and he chose to do it with a flashmob including magic.
What do you think, was the magic able to conquer her heart?
少々不器用な依頼者が彼女のために必死にダンスの練習をして #プロポーズ に臨みます
一大決心の プロポーズ に #フラッシュモブ という魔法を選んだ彼。
協力 ・Osaka Station City ・Lucua ・Amaranti
楽曲 The UNITED " Come On! Come On! Happy with Smile "
★ フラッシュモブ で Emotiorise が選ばれる理由
・ Youtube 第一チャンネル / @emotionrisemain
・ Youtube 第三チャンネル / @emotionrise2546
・ Youtube 第四チャンネル / @emotionrise9861
★ Facebook / emotionrise.flashmob
★ twitter @EmotionRise
/ emotionrise
★ EmotionRise http://www.emotionrise.com/ 企画制作。