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FLL Masterclass Part 2: 10 Tips to Make Your LEGO Spike Prime Robot Drive Straight

Creator Academy Australia

In this episode of our FLL Masterclass series, we dive into the top tips and techniques to help you get your LEGO Spike Prime robot driving perfectly straight! Whether you’re preparing for your next FIRST LEGO League competition or just trying to improve your robot’s performance, these tips will ensure you can drive with precision.

We’ll cover everything from hardware adjustments like motor alignment, wheel traction, and weight distribution, to software solutions using the Gyro Sensor and PID control. By the end of this video, you’ll have all the tools you need to finetune your robot for straightline accuracy.

What you’ll learn in this video:

Designing your robot for accurate turns
Ensuring motors have equal power and alignment
Cleaning and aligning wheels for better traction
Managing friction with caster ball replacements
Balancing weight distribution
Using acceleration to maintain traction
Implementing Gyro Sensor for straight driving
Monitoring battery power for consistent results
Testing and adjusting regularly
Updating firmware for optimal performance

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Gyro straight code for Advanced Driving Base:

For more indepth science, building and coding on this subject, visit

posted by klemkraanz4