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Floyd Shivambu - Give Ramaphosa The Award For 'Bad Fiction'

My Africa

EFF Floyd Shivambu debates on the Opening of Parliament Address 2024.

The Constitution affords all South Africans the right to see and hear what happens in Parliament.
For the last 7 years and for the benefit of subscribers and the community “My Africa” search for sequences that are newsworthy, interesting, funny etc. From a, sometimes long and boring, Parliament sitting allowing the community the opportunity to choose which sequence they find interesting and want to watch.
As a result “My Africa” adds significant value to those effected by the exceptionally high cost of Data and Pay TV.
Also “My Africa” allows the community to comment and contribute to discussions in a meaningful manner and take the stories and the debate forward.
However, we will NOT condone the following:
Racism (including offensive comments based on ethnicity and nationality)
Religious intolerance
Cyber bullying
Hate speech
Derogatory language
Comments inciting violence.
We strive to make the YouTube community a safe and welcoming space for all.

posted by Ovaguequevy6s