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From Farm to Fork: Rural Development and Food Security in Asia and the Pacific

ADB Evaluation

Since its inception, ADB has supported rural development and food security in the Asia and the Pacific region. Despite progress, the region faces many challenges like postpandemic recovery, climate change, economic shocks and soaring food prices affecting the poor and most vulnerable. The Independent Evaluation Department's (IED) recent evaluation, ADB Plan for Operational Priority 5: Promoting Rural Development and Food Security, 2019–2024 aims to address these issues within its Strategy 2030 framework.

Moderator: Emmanuel Jimenez, Director General, IED
Presenter: Garrett Kilroy, Principal Evaluation Specialist, IED
Lisa Wright, Alternate Executive Director, ADB
Cathy Marsh, Deputy Director General, Private Sector Operations Department Yasmin Siddiqi, Director, Agriculture, Food, Nature and Rural Development, Sectors Group
Au Shion Yee Principal Water Resources Specialist, Agriculture, Food, Nature and Rural Development, Sectors Group

00:00 Opening
00:56 Presentation of the IED Report
08:48 From the Frontlines
10:38 Panel Discussion
59:19 Closing

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