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Game u0026 Watch: Bomb Sweeper (1987 Nintendo)

Old80s: Retro Stuff And More

Emulation: MAME
Game Artwork: Hydef
(Also playable on Game & Watch Gallery 4)
You play as John Solver and you have to retrieve bombs located inside a maze inside a manhole. (There may be multiple bombs in one level, you only have to stop one.) The bombs were planted by Dynamite Jack. (As witnessed by a policeman.) Failing to do so will result in the bomb exploding and a loss of a life. You also lose a life if you get squished by a wall in the Game A scrolling mazes.
Game A: You have 50 seconds to defuse the bombs (by pressing the direction the bomb is in) in 10 predetermined mazes. After that, there is a scrolling section that you must go through in order to reach the last bomb. Defusing the last bomb triggers the ending scene. The game starts over with 10 more predetermined mazes played.
Game B: You start with 40 seconds to defuse the bombs in 15 randomly generated mazes. Defusing 15 bombs triggers the ending scene. After that another 15 mazes are played, but 4 seconds are decreased from the time limit. (First 36, then 32, then 28, etc. until you have 4 seconds left.)

posted by Albeik30