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Getting more wins from your data - with Nicholas Mann


Nicholas Mann, founder and CEO Stratos Consulting, has got the best out of the data for hundreds of companies. He has helped data and analytics leaders go from siloed, heterogeneous data source to a modeled data warehouse and analytics platforms. In this awesome analytics episode he shares some of his experiences:

Getting companies on their data journey
The importance of FP&A not just staying in their lane
Inner workings of how data is impacting the rest of the business
From deep finance domain expert to understanding the business
FP&A Data Maturity Assessment
When Business Grows – how do FP&A teams grow with them?
Data Stewards and how they work
Creating a finance and FP&A Center of Excellence
Why I favor the Snowflake ecosystem
What you should hire consultants for – and not hire them for when it comes to finance and data strategy
People in data: change management challenges
Using AI for variance analysis
About me: rare eye condition achromatopsia and how I have overcome the limitations
Notes (answer 15 questions to discover where you are in your data data journey)
  / nicholasmann80855a1a  
Full blog transcript below

posted by Lubanowodj