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Ghost investigation of the mysterious and Infamous Clophill St MARY'S the Virgin Church

Are Ghosts Real?

Nestled just outside the Villiage of Clophill in Bedfordshire, lies an idyllic, abandoned church, surrounded by beautiful countryside, you could almost forget the fact, it's steeped in myth and legend, about witches with dark magic and satanic rituals, as well as being built on top of an old leper colony that became infected with the plague and left to die here. It's said the church was built on top of the remains of the colony. (However, there is no actual evidence of this to date).

The things we do know though about this place. This church was near a murder site where James Hanraty chose to murder Micheal Gregsten, and it saw the desecration of its graves back in the 1960s and this happened numerous times. This is why now this place is being watched with CCTV and you can't come here at night.

It's around 400 years old. With a church being on this site from the 10th to 12th century and onwards. The reason this 18th century version got abandoned is due to the fact, that the population of the village could no longer fit in the church properly, so a new church was built in the centre of town that was bigger.

In 1963 the desecration of the surrounding tombs took place on a massive scale. During the night Satanic Graffiti appeared, graves were damaged with the remains removed from the graves including that of a Jenny Humberstone who had died in the 1700s. Her bones were arranged on an altar and the skull had been impaled by a metal spike.

So they say, it's haunted by these angry spirits who never quite got the peace they deserved.

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posted by lakenenn