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“Go the Extra Mile for the Patient” with POCUS in the Emergency Room

Clarius Mobile Health

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There’s no doubt that there are barriers to using point of care ultrasound in many busy emergency rooms including lack of easy access in tight spaces. But for Dr. Oron Frenkel, Dr. Tom Cook and Dr. Brian Johnson, it’s worth going the extra mile to help their patients.  

Patients are so grateful that you really looked at their organs and they can even see it on the screen where you can show them. Particularly with pregnant women, they all love to see their fetus,” explains Dr. Frenkel. 

Given their consistent use of ultrasound in their respective practices, Drs. Frenkel, Cook and Johnson were among the first physicians to use the new Clarius PAL wireless dualarray ultrasound scanner. 

[The Clarius] app is very userfriendly,” says Dr. Johnson “I can hold it up right to them. They can see their baby. In emergency medicine, we're all about patient satisfaction as well. So being able to use the best and brightest tools and show patients what we're doing right up front in a nice user interface, I think it's really powerful. Patient satisfaction one thing, but helping out people upfront is huge too. If I can diagnose a AAA in a few minutes faster than if I had to wheel the cart in and move the sea of patients, that's going to help a patient upfront too. So, the fact that small and portable with good images can really go long way with helping patients.” 

Watch this 4minute video to learn more about why these emergency physicians believe using Clarius PAL reduces barriers to using ultrasound in the ER and improves the patient experience.

posted by tupecik4r