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Gospel of Thomas u0026 Apocalypse of Thomas - Audiobook

Planetary Intelligence

It is important to make some clear distinctions between the Gospel of Thomas and Apocalypse of Thomas.

The Gospel According to Thomas, the original discovery made at Oxyrhynchus, Egypt, and how this collection of the sayings of Jesus eventually became rebranded in the minds of some as a "Gnostic Gospel".
The Gospel of Thomas is an early Christian gospel comprising 114 sayings and parables of Jesus organized into a simple list. It has no narrative structure and says virtually nothing about Jesus’ life, his death, or his resurrection. It is often referred to as a “sayings gospel” and compared to “Q,” the lost sayings collection that is thought to have been used by the authors of Matthew and Luke. The opening sayings of the Gospel of Thomas instruct the reader to strive for greater selfunderstanding by contemplating the sayings contained in the gospel, and they promise that in so doing one will gain immortality. Roughly half of the sayings in Thomas are also found in the synoptic gospels—Mark, Matthew, and Luke—often in forms that are very simple and unburdened with explicit interpretation. Other sayings in the gospel, however, assert a strong interpretive framework holding much affinity with other early Jewish wisdom theologians, especially those oriented to Plato, such as Philo of Alexandria. There is only one complete manuscript of this gospel: a Coptic translation found in Codex II of the Nag Hammadi Library, a cache of early Christian texts discovered in 1945 near the modern town of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt. However, three Greek fragments also survive from the famous papyrological discoveries of Grenfell and Hunt at Oxyrhynchus.

For centuries the Apocalypse of Thomas was known only through the notice of it in the Decretum Gelasianum (Item 27, cf. vol. 1, p. 39). In 1908 C. Frick (ZNW 9, 1908, 172) drew attention to another reference which is contanied in the Chronicle of Jerome of the Codex Philippsianus No. 1829 in Berlin. In this it says in reference to the 18th year of Tiberius Caesar: in libro quodam apocrypho qui dicitur Thomae apostoli scriptum est dominum iesum ad eum dixisse ab ascensu suo ad celum usque in secundum adventum eius novem iobeleus contineri.

Today two versions of the Apocalypse of Thomas exist.

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Gospel of Thomas 00:22
Apocalypse of Thomas 46:33

posted by ddisteu