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Greg and Emily's wedding week started with a wonderful American

Brendon Church

Monday: Greg and Emily’s wedding week began with an amazing hayride to the Wagon Train camp site for an American family picnic. The ride took everyone out to the Wagon Train camp site for a delicious meal of Vegeburgers, with all the toppings, watermelon, and corn on the cob, topped with oatmeal cookies. Stories of Gregory’s family history, singalong, and Greg’s stories of meeting Emily around a crackling fire. we enjoyed the wagon ride back to Cedar lodge. After all the festivities, Greg, and Emily along with the best man, maid of honor and Emily’s father, assembled for the signing of the marriage license. The Harp was being played in the background by Greg’s Mom Licette Church.

Tuesday: Morning began with a breakfast spread of fruit, waffles, toppings etc. after which we had worship and then off to horseback riding for those that wanted to go and others doing wedding planning. Lunch was served before we even got hungry! After Lunch, we arrived at the boat docks and gathered our life jackets, cushions, and oars, picked out our kayaks or canoes and with a little sprinkle to begin the trip, headed across Lake Shallenberger towards the creek to weave through the sandbars and ducking under the bridges arriving at the Au Sable River. It was a 2 ½ hr. fun filled trip. Tired and wet, we loaded the trailer and climbed into the bus. After a little cleanup, we entered Cedar Lodge to a Brazilian feast prepared by Emily’s family. The tables were decorated, and the amazing food was labeled for us to help understand what we were eating. Empadinha, Kibe, Pao Dequeijo, Coxinha, Sobremesa and Pacoquita. After dinner, we had the opportunity to learn about Emily’s family history in Brazil and her stories about her side of how she and Greg met presented with a slideshow by her brother Andrei Smoler.

Wednesday: Our Breakfast was prepared by the younger members of the gathering; we had pancakes and eggs and fruit and more. After worship, we went off to Go carts for those that wanted and again, lunch was served before we got hungry. It was prepared by the best man John Sauvé, he made a Filipino meal that was divine. In the afternoon several people went off to play golf in Grayling, and more wedding preparations for those that remained. Dinner was prepared by Emily and her family for an Algerian theme, with food and they dressed up with beautiful outfits from there. It was delicious and very spicy!

Congratullation to Greg and Emily

posted by ufunyanemq