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GROWING MY HIP BACK - How I Restored Full Function Without Surgery


My hip joint was so badly damaged there was virtually no cartilage left, and the pain from boneonbone was awful. I walked really badly, with a bad limp, and could not run at all (I've been a runner for 40 years). The range of motion was severely compromised, and I was taking painkillers to sleep at night. Surgeons told me I was due for a hip replacement, as the joint was so badly worn down and no medication would help.
As my body is made of living, metabolically active cells (unlike a car) I could not accept the assumption that body parts "wear out" and cannot then be repaired by natural processes. I gave myself three months to see what I could do with diet and lifestyle adjustments. After three months it felt a lot better less pain, more motion, and I even started slow jogging. After a year my hip was fully recovered. XRays show a completely normal hip joint, and can run and cycle as before, and there is no more pain. My joint has repaired itself to full function. This video explains what I did.
Here is a bulletpoint list of the steps I took:

1) Reduce INFLAMMATION: Cut sugar from your diet and that means CARBOHYDRATES, as they are all made of sugars (watch my video link below on Carbohydrates). Cut NIGHTSHADE vegetables (tomato, pepper, brinjal/egg plant). The science on this is inconclusive, so just cut them anyway. Cut out (or limit as best you can) ALCOHOL. Add natural antiinflammatories to your cooking (Turmeric and Ginger)

2) Provide your Body with BUILDING BLOCKS: You need to manufacture collagen proteins to build cartilage, so take a COLLAGEN supplement, as well as Glucosamine and Chondroitin.

3) Allow your Body Time to Work: Follow an INTERMIMTTENT FASTING lifestyle (Video link below it's not at all difficult!) to activate the process of AUTOPHAGY, allowing your body to clean out the damaged cartilage and replace it with ne cells.

4) Do Gentle, Regular EXERCISE: Just up to the pain point in order to improve the range of motion while the joint is repairing. Walking is good, when you can, and gentle mobility exercises. NO IMPACT EXERCISE (like running).

5) LOSE WEIGHT: This will be easy if you follow Step 1 and cut carbohydrates from your diet. Just increase your fat and oil intake instead. Remember, "Sugar makes you Fat; Fat makes you Thin!"

There will be good days and bad days, don't let the bad days set you back mentally. Sometimes you might overdo it and hurt your self, but it doesn't matter just keep going! And at the end of three months. if there is progress, that should encourage you to persevere for longer: And remember, if it doesn't work for you in the end, you've lost nothing you can have that hip replacement if that's your last option, but having delayed it will only mean the technology is now better!

Added Notes, thanks to viewers' requests: My low carbohydrate, low inflammation diet is based on principles, but it's not a religion so I'm allowed to "bend the rules" according to what food is available, what I can afford to buy, and what I think I can sustain long term. So, here goes: I eat meat, fish, chicken, eggs; I eat dairy (only full fat) so cream, cheese, raw yoghurt but I dont "drink milk", other then a drop in my coffee (yes I drink coffee). I do not eat fruit (way too much sugar) except red or dark berries (see my video on fruit here    • FRUIT  Do We Need It, and How Natura...   ) but I eat plenty of veggies, especially green ones. And nuts (especially almonds I live in the south of Spain, they literally "grow on trees"). I cook with butter or olive oil, and then add more olive oil to the food on my plate (scrambled egg with olive oil poured over is heaven). I only need two meals a day because fat is such an efficient energy source.

LINKS: Tips from a Sports Surgeon on how to strengthen joint cartilage
   • How to strengthen your cartilage?  

Dr Berry's video on joint recovery:    • ARTHRITIS: Is Your Diet Causing It? [...  

More on Inflammation:    • CHRONIC INFLAMMATION is making you si...  

Intermittent Fasting & Autophagy:    • YOUR HEALING SUPERPOWER  Enable AUTO...  

Why to limit Carbohydrates:    • CARBOHYDRATES ARE SUGAR  How they sa...  

#hipsurgery #hipreplacement #arthritisremedy

ANDREW TUNSTALL is a Lifestyle and Nutrition Coach, Biologist, Teacher and International Athlete who avoided Heart Surgery and a Hip Replacement by changing his lifestyle and eating habits and losing weight, before starting SHAPEFIXER to help others harness the power of knowledge to lose weight, improve health, fight disease and slow ageing.

DISCLAIMER: I am a Coach and an Educator; I am not a medical doctor. All videos are for information and motivation purposes only and not to be taken as personal medical diagnoses or advice. Speak to your own, trusted medical professional about all decisions you take regarding any aspects of your health or medical conditions – Andrew Tunstall.

posted by Spugnivf