Throughout the centuries, there have been many different brutal and barbaric execution methods used to punish criminals found guilty of committing terrible crimes. But there was one that was used in Britain and England which was incredibly feared, and was so horrifying that it has gone down in History as one of the worst. To be hanged, drawn and quartered was the standard sentence for those people living in England who were sentenced to death for one of the most serious of crimes, treason. Treason was plotting to kill or overthrow the monarchy, and it also involved many other offences but it was a crime that the King and Queen wanted to punish very severely.
Hanging, Drawing and Quartering meant that a condemned person would be tied to a hurdle/wooden frame and be drawn or dragged through the streets behind a horse. This was very painful and the crowds would then throw things at them. Then they would be brought to their place of execution when they were handed over to an executioner, who would hang them until almost dead. They were then cut down and were then disembowelled by the executioner and then beheaded. Their remains were then cut into quarters and sent to four places where the King dictated they should be displayed. Famous criminals executed in this way includes Guy Fawkes and William Wallace who underwent the horrific ordeal. It has gone down as one of the most brutal and worst execution methods used throughout history.
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