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Hector Falls - Finger Lakes | New York


Welcome to the Finger Lakes region of New York state home to dozens of local wineries, waterfalls and naturallyformed gorges. Today we will return to this picturesque landscape to visit several cascading waterfalls and parks.

“Two million years ago, the first of a series of glacial flows began seasonally advancing and retreating across what is now New York State. These massive bodies of ice flowed south, carving deep trenches in the earth, grinding across valleys, and gouging the land. They left long, narrow, highwalled lakes and deep gorges in their wake. The geological term finger lake refers to a long, narrow lake in an over deepened glacial valley. Cayuga and Seneca Lakes are among the deepest in the whole of the United States, measuring 435 feet and 618 feet respectively at their deepest points.” (

My father and I will primarily focus on the city of Ithaca for this journey and explore numerous sites including: Hector Falls, Taughannock Falls, Ithaca Falls, Cascadilla Gorge Trail, Buttermilk Falls, Triphammer Falls, Ludlowville Falls and finally Letchworth State Park (known as the Grand Canyon of the east).

“Hector Falls is a roadside falls. From Watkins Glen, go north/east on 414 to the 414 and 79 intersection. Travel north on 414 for 2 miles. A bridge crosses right in front of the falls. You can park near the waterfall signage.
You can walk on the bridge to see the falls, but be careful. There is lots of traffic on the road, and it comes barreling down a hill and around a curve before reaching the bridge.
There are two main drops to Hector Falls. The first drop is visible from the bridge and is about 50 feet high. You can climb down to the base of the falls on the east side of the bridge. The other drop (not shown) is on the west side of the bridge and is on private property.” (

posted by sarihanawr