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High End Munich 2024 —Tracking Angle's Day Three Coverage


Day Three included two breaks in the normal convention coverage flow: first in the A.M. I moderated a seminar titled "Has Vinyl Playback Technology Gone About As Far As It Can Go?" with participants Mark Dohmann (Dohmann Audio), Craig Milnes (WilsonBenesch), Leif Johannsen (Ortofon) and J.R. Boisclair (WallyTools/WAM Engineering). All over the past decade have advance the art and science of vinyl playback, so their take on the question was interesting and the full house appreciated the answers. I'm still waiting for the video to be published on the High End site and when it is it will be embedded in an article on the Tracking Angle website.

In the late afternoon I did an hour long "Meet the Expert" session in the Nagra room, this year with big Stenheim speakers. Always fun! But of course that's two hours plus, during which time I was unable to circulate in the convention center.

No matter, there was still plenty to cover as you'll see in the video. After the Nagra engagement I went over to HiFi Deluxe 2024 at the Marriott where I saw some impressive exhibits you'll see in the video. And that was Day 3.

posted by cutesyangeldq