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Holy Land Tour of all the Major Bible Sites of Israel with Lovely Music and Narration


See the highlights of all the biblical sites in Israel in a peaceful, relaxing setting! Tour the Holy Land and see places like, Jerusalem, Sea of Galilee, Jordan Valley, Masada, Capernaum, and more.


Israel . . . Land of the Bible . . . Land of Faith . . . the Holy Land, revered throughout recorded history as the cradle of monotheistic religion. For a person of faith whose beliefs are rooted in the Bible, there is no place on earth like the Holy Land. In this narrow strip of land lies the source of religious belief of much of mankind. Here, amongst the barren hills and fertile plains, man’s spirit learned to soar and from here a new message went out to all the world: “. . . and many peoples shall come, and say, “Come, let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, to the House of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths. For out of Zion (Hill next to Jerusalem) will go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2:3,4).
The unique factor about the Holy Land is its special location in the World. Situated as it is, straddling the divide between Africa and Asia, the area has almost always been a battleground. Wave after wave of conquerors poured into it, anxious to control the strategic trade routes linking the centers of the ancient world. It’s not by accident that it’s virtually in the center of the world. In God’s master plan of creation, He decided to place Israel exactly in the center of His creation. Located on a tiny land bridge between Africa and Asia, there is no other way to get between the two of them except through Israel. It’s located on the crossroads of the world. Whoever wanted to trade between the two continents, or control the known world, had to conquer and control Israel. For this reason, there have been more wars and events that have taken place in Israel than any other country on earth. God positioned Israel in its unique location in order to influence the world and be on “Center Stage” so all of creation would know that He alone is God.
For nearly 2,000 years, Christian visitors from all over the world have come to the Holy Land, the land of their spiritual heritage. With Bible in hand, they have walked the places Jesus walked and prayed in the places He preached and prayed. For Christians, Israel is a place like no other. It provides them a one of a kind opportunity to experience the land of the Bible, to deepen their faith, and to be spiritually transformed for a lifetime.

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