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House Tour 91: RM11.75Mil Mansion in Bentong|land w rising price|1175万文冬公馆别墅|地价年年涨|吉隆坡后花园,毗邻云顶,法国村

Malaysia Property TV

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1. 水果产业 文冬以其丰富的水果产业而著名特别是热带水果如榴莲、山竹、荔枝等。 每逢季节会有大批游客涌入文冬为的就是可以品尝到最新鲜的水果体验当地的农业文 化。
2. 自然风光和气候 文冬被山脉环抱拥有优美的自然风景和宜人的气候。这里的空气清 新是一个逃离城市繁忙生活的理想去处。
3. 温泉疗养 文冬地区有许多温泉度假村温泉被认为对健康有好处有助于放松肌肉、 缓解压力和促进血液循环。
4. 放松和休闲 文冬是一个远离喧嚣并且投入大自然的怀抱的地方适合人们放松身心 远离城市的压力

这套梦想山景别墅是一个永久产权的房产它的土地面积是 16,157平方尺建筑面积则是 18,116平方 尺。这里总共有4层楼6个卧室并配有独立浴室10个洗手间2个狗舍1个游泳池1个锦鲤池。 每个浴室都有独立的热水系统并且还有著名牌子的西柏思电梯。

这套房子除了是马来西亚著名的设计师的开山之作以外设计风格也非常大气和独特前门设计给日常生活家人停车和聚会的休闲厅后门具有一个大型车库来招待客人直接山会客厅和主治客厅。整个建筑外观有着迈阿密风格现代和独特的建筑设计简洁的线条、大型的窗户和独特的外 立面设计。迈阿密风格房屋采用开放式平面设计强调空间流畅性和通透感。扁平的屋顶和白色色调在迈阿密风格房屋中非常常见这种颜色搭配在阳光下 更加引人注目。房后的秘密花园坐落与3层高落地玻璃窗的会客厅旁边感觉豪迈而且会客厅门一开就能容纳100人室内+室外的白人聚会

餐厅的位置就是面向泳池。接近6米宽的玻璃门让自然光 可以充分地照射进来会让整体感觉非常通透最大程度地拉近室内与室外的距离。如果不想在 岛台喝咖啡推荐你可以在泳池旁的遮阳伞享受早晨的咖啡

对于到访的客人来说从后门私人电梯步入会客厅的感觉会被震撼到。3层高的空间加上中间的一个挑高的螺旋是旋转楼梯除了历史上我们能在古老的城堡或建筑看到之外这个设计好比一个盘龙型的艺术杰作加上厅边的锦鲤池就如青龙点水的感觉。主人家从上走下楼梯迎接客人的情景就好比电影里剧情。一个三角钢琴配上独特设计的的光纤吊灯和螺旋楼梯直接增添整个空间的精致感。午间的阳 光照进来显得整个空间都非常地敞亮。一整片的玻璃窗放眼望出去的风景和采光效果都非常无 敌。

主政客厅走道的左右两侧都有落地玻璃窗有着不同的风景这里空间旷阔可以容纳2030人的长形沙发椅非 常适合用作办公用途你想谈公事的同时不仅有隐私也不会打扰到家人的休息空间。泳池的旁边 有一个锦鲤池大尺寸的窗户可以最大程度地让阳光进入室内整个气派真的是不一样。

主卧房占据了整个二楼面积大约是4700平方尺。主卧的空间特别宽敞 有着U型的衣帽间浴室里有个按摩浴缸在家就能享受5星的泡澡简直不要太爽加上浴室前的私人小吧台夫妻俩晚上可以小酌一杯。主卧绝对可以轻松放下特大号的床床的后放就是主 人的办公区域。前后方都有大型阳台想看日出日落都没问题。



Today, let's take a look at a Mansion that is truly unique in Malaysia, in the city of Bentong, where you'll find the most luxurious dream Mansion. This modern, luxurious mansion is nestled amidst the surrounding mountains, offering a tranquil environment that redefines what luxurious living means in Bentong. In the front, you can wake up to a beautiful sunrise from the master bedroom, and in the back, the grand living room with its spiral staircase provides a breathtaking view of the sunset over the mountain ranges and the stunning scenery of Genting Highlands.

As a delightful town in Malaysia, Bentong offers a host of unique attractions, including Fruits, Natural Beauty and Climate, Hot Springs Retreat, & Relaxation and Leisure

This dream Mansion comes with freehold ownership and boasts a land area of 16,157 square feet, with a builtup area of 18,116 square feet. This property spans 4 levels and features 6 bedrooms, each with its own ensuite bathroom, 10 bathrooms in total, 2 dog kennels, 1 swimming pool, and 1 koi pond., and there is also a renowned schindler electric lift.

Aside from being the groundbreaking work of a renowned Malaysian designer, this property boasts a grand and distinctive design style. The front entrance is designed to serve as a casual gathering space for family and parking, while the rear entrance features a spacious garage for welcoming guests, directly connecting to the mountainview lounge and the main guest lounge.

For visiting guests, stepping into the lounge via the private elevator from the rear entrance is a truly aweinspiring experience. The threestory high space, coupled with the centrally elevated spiral staircase, resembles a work of art reminiscent of historic castles and buildings, akin to a coiled dragon winding through the hall.

The scene of the homeowner walking down the staircase to greet guests is akin to a scene from a movie. A grand piano, complemented by uniquely designed fiber optic chandeliers and the spiral staircase, adds a touch of refinement to the entire space. The vast expanse of glass windows offers unbeatable views and exceptional natural lighting effects.

On both sides of the Formal Living room corridor, there are floortoceiling glass windows that offer different views. This spacious area can comfortably accommodate 2030 individuals in long sofa chairs. Here, you can conduct business discussions with privacy without disturbing the rest of the family.

0:00 Introduction 介绍
1:06 Why Bentong? 文冬市介绍
3:23 Mansion Information 公馆资料
4:14 Layout房子布局
5:30 House Design Style 设计风格
7:54 Private Garden 后院
8:40 Casual Living 休闲客厅
10:13 Dry & Wet Kitchen 干湿厨房
11:10 Dining & Bar Area 餐厅和吧台
12:18 KTV Room 小型电影院和K房
12:54 Back Entrance & Car Park Supercar & Guest 后门和跑车停车库
13:54 Back Entrance Foyer 后门玄关厅
14:35 3 Storey high Lounge with Spiral Staircase 3层高的会客厅
15:59 Formal Living Hall 主政客厅
17:23 1st Floor 1st Separate Living 一楼三代同堂的设计
18:15 Wide Balcony Walkway 观景阳台
18:34 1st Floor 2nd Separate Living一楼三代同堂的设计2
19:19 Private Gym Area 私人健身厅
19:53 Master Suite 主人套房
20:17 Master Bedroom 主人房
21:59 Study Room 藏书阁
22:30 Mountain view 美景阳台
22:54 Conclusion结论

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posted by Artemiuszrb