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How I got placed at Microsoft || How did my interview go || Resume shortlisting || Project Manager

Anuja Adwitiyam

Hi everyone. 
Welcome back to another video. In this video I discussed about my interview experience. What I know and learned about resume shortlisting and types of questions asked to me during my interview.  
First things first! 
Whenever a company comes to your college it will first want you to apply for the role. Now in order to apply you need to have your resume ready. Remember Keep editing your resume according to the role you are applying for and the company's mission.  
Three most important things to keep in your mind while preparing your resume 
1. Make a single sheet resume and follow a very formal template. Attaching a link here for reference. Resume 
2. Include the skill sets mentioned in the job description of the role that you are applying to.  
3. Keep your resume very diverse. Mention about things apart from your technical knowledge. It should be a summary of who you are as a person. 
Now once you have your resume ready and if it's shortlisted. You come to next part INTERVIEWS.  
For me once my resume was shortlisted for APJM( associate project manager) role I immediately got my first round of interview scheduled. My first round was Technical Interview where I first began the interview by giving a short introduction about me. Now, I did miss to mention this in the video but even your introduction plays a BIG role in your interview. Keep it short, simple and crisp. Once I was done with my introduction my interviewer asked me all about my internship, my major project and my minor project. I was asked basic questions of dsa  explain polymorphism giving reference of things around you. I was also asked to explain my role and what I did during my internship. Most of my technical knowledge was checked through my major project and minor project. My major project was Invoice Management System and my minor project was a chat box using Python. And I remember being asked which python library I used how I send in the input to my bot and receive the output. I also got tested through invoice management as that one project had everythingML, frontend, backend, database, UI/UX. But ofc, I had some mentors guiding me through it so I mentioned the parts where I put in the most effort.  
So my entire interview was revolving around everything mentioned in my resume.  
Now once first round was over we immediately got a list of students who got qualified for the next round and I was one of them. So the next round was Behavioral where it was basically meant to judge who you are a person and how will you tackle different situations. One of my situational question which I mention being asked in the next round was How will I respond to a team mate being stubborn about not coming to the meeting as for that person we are only keeping meeting with no actual outcome. 
And the last round was HR. In this round I was asked what do I understand about the roles and responsibilities of Project Manager. How will I handle a situation if I am unbale to come up with a solution. 
So if you have watched the video you must know how I have mentioned two most important things I learnt through my aunt who is currently a Sr. Project Manager. 
Two Most Important Things  
1. Project manager are people who should ask the right questions to get the job done. 
2. As a PM you should have the ability to listen, listen to people's opinion on a particular thing , their problem in order to understand the next steps and flow of the project.  
So if you are in college and Microsoft is coming to your college for Project Manager's role or you aspire to become one. Below is a list of things you should keep in your mind that helped me through my interview and resume shortlisting.  
• Prepare your resume by following the three tips I mentioned above.  
• Do an internship in your college days, if not internship then invest in projects and don't forget certifications.  
• Once your resume is shortlisted, revise everything mentioned in your resume to prepare for your first round of interview.  
• Prepare a small 23 lines introduction that will give a kickstart to your interview. 
• Be dressed formally, sit straight and have a polite smile. 
• In case you are not aware about something that they ask feel free to say I am sorry sir/mam I am unaware about it. Instead of going all gibberish and nervous, be honest. 
• If you are sitting for a PM role remember behavioral round is to test your patience, your attitude, your way of handling stress and pressure.  
• And last but not the least try to be calm and confident in yourself
#csg #microsoft #placed #projectmanager #resume

posted by hobinladenx3