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How Japan Created An Unstoppable Porsche (Yoshida Specials 930)


The Porsche 911 Turbo, also known as the Blackbird ruled the streets of Japan. This iconic car, the Yoshida Specials 930, became a symbol of speed and power, earning its reputation as the fastest car in Japan, thanks to its association with the infamous Tokyo Midnight Club.

In this video, we'll take you on a journey through the history of this remarkable vehicle, exploring its unique features, thrilling races, and the incredible stories that have made it a legend.

0:00 Introduction to the Blackbird
1:43 Cinematic
2:05 The Birth of the Midnight Club
8:46 The Birth of the BLACKBIRD
13:40 The Mysterious Fate of the Blackbird

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#Blackbird #Porsche911Turbo #TokyoMidnightClub #YoshidaSpecials930 #FastestCarInJapan #IconicCars #CarStories #PorscheHistory #LegendaryCars

posted by kasaikoun